Thursday, March 14, 2013

Make a Wish for Earth Day...on a twig!

Wish sticks are the idea that you decorate a stick and imagine it to be a variety of items, including a magic wand, sword, tail, dumbbell, marching baton, etc. I first came across this idea from the programs at Garfield Park Conservatory. This idea came from another artist before then that specializes in nature-based art. So, now I share this with you, with a festive Earth Day twist.

Below is a picture of my Earth Day wish stick. I have made a wish for Earth Day, that more people will ride their bikes instead of taking their cars, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I have written it on a piece of paper and tied it to my stick. Then, to make sure my wish comes true, I decorated the stick "in homage" to Earth Day. I used a variety of craft and recycled materials, including ribbon, pipecleaners, beads, fabric scraps, an acorn I found, etc.

A completed Earth Day Wish Stick

My materials

A Magic Twig Wand
Another fun idea is to make a magic wand from a twig. This is as simple as spraying a twig with glitter spray (right hand side). You can decorate it with additional materials if you wish, but is not necessary. Just add imagination and play!

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